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Wisdom for a New Wavespell… 2/7/2020

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Mayan Tile Art by Jacky at Magnetic Earth Studios, Cornwall

In the wavespell of the Yellow Human, (Eb in Maya language) we are reminded of the need to remain open and receptive. Like the Holy Grail or the Cornucopia cup, this next wavespell (that influences us until the 11th July) asks; “Are you open to receive the gifts that are waiting to come to you?”

To the Maya, the Human wavespell was sometimes unwelcomed because it brought with it a period of niggling troubles and worries, so it can sometimes feel like a multitude of small problems ‘raining down on you’. We can’t ‘dodge’ these small problems, in the same way we can’t dodge the raindrops! The phrase “we are only human after all” never has more relevance than in a human wave. Life isn’t always as problem free as we would like it, but problems don’t have to become a crisis, they can be welcomed as minor inconveniences from which we grow. Problem solving leads us to a wealth of self-discovery, to talents and attributes we didn’t even know we had.

Pay particular attention to your physical body and your body’s energy system in this wave, be mindful of what you put ‘into’ your body – ‘we are what we eat’. Let your body be a temple. Eat from the yellow food colour palette; foods such as mangoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, bananas, corn, squash, yellow pepper, saffron and lemons. Foods mirroring the bright gold of the sunshine and rich in essential vitamins.

Many of us are aware of the higher frequencies of light being poured upon the planet at this time, frequencies that are activating our light bodies to a higher level of being. We are being shown harsh, testing lessons in the outside world and as ‘a collective’, we need to learn and grow from them. These frequencies however can make us feel ‘spacey’ or ungrounded, so it’s a perfect time to be ‘out in nature’, tree hugging or planting and also using grounding stones like Smokey Quartz or Bronzite to help us stay rooted in the earth’s energies (see image below).

Remind yourself during this time that in essence, you are a spiritual being having a human experience… Sometimes as humans, we are so caught up in the ‘doing’ part of our lives, we forget the ‘beingness’, the part of us that wants (sometimes craves) the need to be still, open and receptive to the silence. In welcoming the silence, we find ourselves an open channel for higher communication.

The universe is a benevolent universe, there is enough to go around on this planet. When we open ourselves to receive, just like the chalice, an ever-expanding tool for nourishment and enlightenment ….then we can acknowledge that “our cup runneth over”.

Happy Human Wavespell!

Bright Blessings


All Crystal & Gift Stock available from magnetic Earth Studios, Heartlands, Cornwall, Tr15 3qy.

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Bumble Bee Crystal Light-catcher: £8.50

Silk Scarf – design from Gustav Klimt – ‘The Kiss’: £12.00

Golden Healer Quartz Sphere: £15

Bronzite Buddha: £22.50

Mookaite Heart: £15

Yellow Calcite Natural chunk: £3.50

Mookaite Palm stone: £15

Bumble Bee Jasper Palm stone: £30.00

Mookaite polished stone bracelet: £3.50

Amber tumbled stone Bracelet: £7.50

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