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The Yellow Magnetic Star – New Wave Begins on 12/3/25


Image created & permission granted by Kate Mary Smith

Wednesday 12th March marks the start of a new 13 day Wavespell in The Tzolkin, the Mayan Sacred Calendar. So what can we expect from Yellow Star energy in this next couple of weeks?

The Maya were avid astrologers and revered the planet Venus, looking upon it as a star in the night sky. So captivated by its celestial beauty shimmering in its heavenly backdrop, they would even plan their entry into battles and wars around Venus’ position in the night sky – believing that the Gods divined it so.

As we look out into the outside world today, we can see and feel the fraught tension that teeters beneath the surface as major powers ‘push’ for more and more conflict; at the same time, all too aware of the existing battles and wars that already rage on regardless. As if war ever solved anything in our global history.

War is ugly and Star energy abhors ‘ugliness’. Conflicts don’t arise out of thin air; there is always a ‘root cause’ and if we are ever to live in harmony together, we must seek diplomacy and equality at the root. This thirteen day wavespell brings with it a portent of hope and seeks only peace, harmony and reconciliation. Whilst Venus remains retrograde for a few short weeks, it grants us the opportunity in these oscillating energies to experience the transformation that can occur … simply by standing still. Reflection and action weave together in a perfect dance. Only when we are reflective and still do we notice what is really of beauty and of value.

 “So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.” T.S Eliot

The Yellow Star seeks the beauty both within and without. This is a period in which artistic flair, a burgeoning creative talent, like flower arranging or interior design that’s been ‘hiding its light’ can emerge fully into the spotlight. Star energy lives to create!! Something… Anything. Make something from scratch – even if it is a home cooked meal! Admire its simplicity and appreciate its nourishment. In a Star wavespell, networking is the order of the day. So find like-minded groups, or join a workshop with kindred spirits with whom you can share in that creativity and allow it to blossom. It is a wavespell to truly ‘connect with your tribe!’

At the same time, those born under the yellow star in Mayan cosmology are often those very people we describe as carrying the ‘light within’ and like a radiant sun, possessing the fire that gets things done, even when the chips may be down or the odds stacked against.

This is a 13 day period to reach out to others and allay their irrational thoughts and fears. Teach them to be unafraid of the unknown. Many people are struggling right now because their mindset is locked into mainstream news reports and they can’t see an exit route from their overwhelmingly negative and fearful thoughts. Often our thoughts impel us to go on a search for a better human experience than the one we are currently having. The thing is… there is no ‘better experience’, we are all in this together and the experience we are having is the one we have created together. Unless we strive for coherence and unity, unless we can see the beauty and the potency in the NOW, we are all lost.

So in this wavespell, if you have every felt like ‘volunteering’ your time for a worthy cause or lending a helping hand to someone who is ‘down on their uppers’ and oppressed with life, this is the wave to allow that compassion and understanding to find its place. Peace- making and peace- building can only arise if we all ‘do our bit’. Only when we shine brightly ourselves can we be a beacon of hope to others.

On a spiritual level, Yellow Star ushers in the development of the higher being. Use this wave as an opportunity to expand your multi-dimensional self. Huge energetic shifts are occurring and we need to be ready. Look inside for any areas or ‘feelings of unworthiness’ that may be blocking you from truly shining your radiant light. In the shadow of Star, you may not ‘feel good enough, even for yourself’. Mediation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Tai Chi are all good practices during a Star wavespell. Self-reflection around your values and teaching yourself to see the beauty in all things around you, are all key themes. Stop for a moment and marvel at the magnificence of the natural world and the vastness of space. Humbling, isn’t it? The retrograde motion of Venus offers us that chance to turn inward and ask a simple question: “What greater part can I play in order to honour this planet more fully?

So…in this wave - Work with the light-bearing crystals of Lemuria, Elestial Quartz; Blue Topaz; Selenite; Lapis Lazuli; Citrine & Yellow Aventurine. Carry them with you, honour their beauty and place them near a bedside table at night-time.

(check out the website for stock of these)

And remember…Those luminous spheroids we call stars that occupy the vastness of outer space, will always be a part of our external landscape. They offer solace in the darkness and cast their light upon all who are prepared to come out of the shadows.

Happy Star Wavespell!


P.S You can work out your Mayan Birth Sign on my website - just click the drop down link at the top which says 'Your Galactic Signature'. If you are not quite sure, message me for assistance.


1 Comment

3 days ago

That’s very positive and uplifting 🙌🙌

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