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The Blue Magnetic Eagle – a New 13 day Wavespell in the Mayan Sacred Calendar coinciding with the New Moon in Pisces!


Image Courtesy of Kate Mary Smith


What does it mean and What’s in store for us?

Often depicted with a ‘globe’ in its eye, Eagle energy in the Mayan Sacred calendar symbolizes planetary consciousness. It carries the energy of the insightful dreamer and visionary and is representative of the Higher collective mind. This is a wavespell to adopt a more philosophical outlook of the world and apply some critical thinking. Ask yourself “what vision am I holding for the planet?” – is it the very best and highest possible?  Or am I guilty of tunnel vision and narrow thinking. Have I succumbed to the disillusioned mind?”

Are you guilty of sometimes thinking; “what’s the point, how can I possibly influence external events and change the things that are clearly wrong with our world?” The Eagle wavespell is here to remind you ‘that energy follows thought!’. Start stepping outside the box in order to cultivate a broader and more objective viewpoint. Create the grandest vision for your life and the world you want to be a part of and hold it firmly in your mind’s eye. Reaffirm that vision daily; breathe life into it!

Eagles can see straight ahead and to the side, simultaneously. They can see the tallest tree in the distance and the smallest mouse crawling under a leaf to the side of them. They are majestic creatures and certainly don’t play small! Have you been hiding in the shadows of late? If you have, now is the time to step up and show the world your own special and unique talents, whatever form those may take. This is a great time to start a ‘Vision Board’, learn a brand new skill or set out some long term goals!

This Wavespell governs technology and technological advancement. We live in a world where it seems that before our children can even read properly, they are hooked on tablets, I Pads, gaming devices and eventually social media platforms, viewing the world through the lens of technology, sadly offering them a somewhat distorted view of reality. The speed at which technology is moving and its wider usage in education now means their impressionable agile minds are captured in tech slavery from a very young age.


Human beings are natural pioneers and whilst advances in tech are inevitable and, in some cases, welcomed, we also have to consider the flip side and the apparent dangers such progress brings. On January 29th Elon Musk announced that his Neuralink Brain – computer interface company had implanted a chip in a human brain for the first time. Its ultimate goal is that one day people will be able to control their phones or computers “just by thinking”.


Imagine that for a moment…


We stand at the dawn of a new tech era and one that should be treated with great care and respect and above all … balance. The Eagle wavespell reminds us of the immense potential held in linking a computer with the brains electrical activity… but also, when wielded irresponsibly… of its power to do harm.


We only have to look back at Plato’s Lost City of Atlantis as a reminder of how exalted arrogance in technological advances versus the fragility of human achievement, resulted in a cataclysmic event. According to many Archeologists and Historians, the Atlanteans used sonic levitation to build their cities, synchronizing body and mind in order to lift objects with ease.


But their downfall came in their own arrogance and the ‘belief in their own power…’


During this 13 days wave which coincidentally enters us into Piscean season and a New Moon on 27th February, this is a time to slow down and reconnect with your spiritual practices and creative hobbies. Apply balance in all areas of your life. Pisceans are the great dreamers. Release your attachments to the lure of social media and take some time out to detoxify from misinformation, fake news and dangerously polluted information sources. You are more powerful than you think, let your imagination create your future… take your attention to it... and watch the magic happen.


Crystals to help you ground your vision during this 13 day wavespell are: Amethyst; Sugilite; Pink Opal; Pink Kunzite; Purple Muscovite; Elestial Quartz; Durmortierite and Crystal Singing Bowls. (Available online to purchase)

Have them close, carry them around with you and use them in Crystal Intentions or Grid work.


The key attributes of the Blue Eagle are: Creativity; The Planetary Mind; Vision; Global Consciousness; Hope; Perception.



Happy Eagle Wavespell!






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