On 2nd September and to coincide with the Full Moon in Pisces we enter the wavespell of The Red Magnetic Earth.
Mayan Tile Art by Jacky at Magnetic Earth Studios, Heartlands, Pool, Cornwall.
I personally know all about this wavespell as it is my own Mayan Seal and Galactic birthday in the Sacred Calendar and also the name I gave to my Crystal Shop! When my children were small they cottoned on that having a Galactic birthday as well as a Gregorian birthday, meant two presents in one 365 day cycle! The Red Magnetic Wavespell will run from the 2nd to 15th September.
Discovering your own wave in the calendar can reveal your wider purpose in the outside world, but it is important that we are open and awake to the clues and signs in the form of coincidences that the universe scatters our way. The Red Magnetic Earth teaches us all about Synchronicity. To accept synchronicity into your life is to accept that a force exists beyond the boundaries of our individual selves. We might see synchronicity as ‘meaningful coincidences’, although in effect this does not do them justice as all coincidences are meaningful, otherwise they wouldn’t happen in the first place.
“Co’ means “with’ and “incidence” means “event”. So the word coincidence refers to events or incidents that occur with other incidents, two or more events occurring at the same time. I see them as coded messages from an infinite intelligence.
In a Red Earth wavespell, pause and reflect on whatever point you are in your life. Look back and notice how naturally your life flowed from one milestone to the next, from one place or job to another, from one set of circumstances to an entirely different set. Notice how effortless it could all have been if you had only known where your path was leading. Most of us can look back and say; “Why was I so worried about that at the time?” “Why was I so hard on myself, or on my children?” When we live ‘in synch’ with nature, life simply flows…
If we lived our lives at the level of the soul each and every day, there would be no need for hindsight to appreciate the great truths of life. We would instead be an ‘active participant’ in creating the experiences and adventures in our lives.
Life right now might seem beyond our control and yet it is not. We can still choose in any given moment how we react to the media, to the news reports that are bombarding us daily. We can still choose in any given moment to change something about the way we live our lives in order to improve it and become ‘aligned’ with our true destiny. In the Red Magnetic Earth, we are reminded that although we might be one cell of the larger oversoul, one individual in the vast sea of humanity, we also have the opportunity to ‘unite’ in common goals and aims. Our reactions towards each other in any given moment can serve to ‘unify’ us or separate us, the choice is ours. The most important thing is that our interactions and reactions represent the highest possible expression of ourselves.
Recently I have been watching ‘Dark’ a German Television series on Netflix. It is a mind bending time travel mystery which spans generations and parallel worlds, involving the same group of characters, repeating events 33 years apart. In a sense it is a strong and compelling reminder that, just like the ripples in a pond long after the stone has been cast, the choices we make have an everlasting impact on others… and that we are all connected. It is our disconnectedness from the Source and our inability to be at one with nature that is the primary cause of all our anxiety, dis-ease and emotional suffering.
The writers must have been on their game because the year 1987, 33 years ago from where we are now, also marked the beginning of a spiritual evolution in a sense, when a spiritual intensification on the planet gave way to many people becoming awake and aware of their multi-dimensional selves. People turned to ‘holism’ for the answers to their dis-ease and a wave of complementary therapies were born. In the image of the Red Magnetic Earth we see a conduit for the Higher frequencies being grounded into the Earth. For the last 33 years, the Earth has been going through an intense purification of her own and I truly believe that when this house clearing is complete, we will enter a new evolutionary cycle. As we stand at this pivotal point of change, our relationship with Mother Earth must take on a new rhythm and the masculine/feminine energies must finally find their balance and their place. It is the deepest need in every human being to overcome our separateness.
It is both our responsibility as a species and one that is paramount to our survival.
In this wavespell take time to ground yourself in nature. Work with the crystals that remind you of the radiance of the Earth and all her colours. Give thanks to the Earth for all she provides. Be open to the signs and synchronicities during this wavespell! Know that every sentient being upon this fragile earth is connected..
