Meditating today, with the focus on “where are we at? “ And “Where are we heading?” I drew this card from the Mayan Oracle deck (image by Ariel Spilsbury).
No coincidence that the colours in this card reflect exactly those akin to the Lunar Storm cycle we have just entered for the entire Earth (and that I wrote about in the last blog post) … The deep indigo blues and purples that connect us to our spiritual self and to the higher energies. Colours that remind us of the swirling cosmos and its vastness.
With an Aquarian Full Moon last weekend, the stakes for unpredictability are high. The scene is being set for re-shaping our world.
Look at the image on the card – a beautiful circular mandala sits within an apparent confined geometric structure or shape surrounding it.
Just the word ‘structure’ might suggest for some of us – ‘confinement’; parameters that contain; an organized way of being that doesn’t allow for movement or for breaking out of the box.
But it doesn’t have to feel like that. Structure refers to the way society might be organized in a way where human beings can live and interact together in harmony… Are we seeing that in the outside world? Are we seeing harmony? I think we all know the answer to that one! But without structure, would there not be just chaos, disorganisation and confusion?
There is probably not a single one of us who has not been affected adversely by the pandemic that has dominated our lives over the last few months and dictated the way we now live. But kicking and screaming about it is only going to exacerbate our anxieties and fuel our stress levels.
Many of us are taking to social media to have a ‘fair old rant’ about government’s policy, their public health responses and the right and wrongs of their decision making. Whatever your stance is, ask yourself; “Is this a good way to expend my energy?” The statistics show an infected person is re-infecting on average fewer than one person each. That suggests that if social distancing is maintained, eventually we can and will kill off this outbreak…. And I personally believe that we will.
Maybe we had become complacent and as a country we were not ready for a pandemic when it hit. There was no blueprint to follow. Maybe it was exactly that complacency as human beings which subsequently acted as an agent and catalyst for change. A wake up call for humanity… to analyse our destructive ways and to heal the way we interact with the natural world.
It’s time to take a more ‘expansive’ view in terms of what is really going on…
Like many of you, I don’t have the answers… I am navigating my way through this in the only way I know how… with discernment (for my health and well-being), with receptivity (listening to my gut instinct) and with compassion (to others who may be struggling, physically and mentally). What I am certain of is that picking away at the bones of what we should and shouldn’t have done only detracts from the real issue… and that is how WE in society will now move forward, how we will cope with a deadly virus that threatens not only our freedom and safety, but also one that affects how we interact and relate to each other.
And that interaction is not dictated to by governments or those in high power… how we relate is entirely down to us…
Look at the card again. The hands are offered beneath the mandala in a symbolic gesture or ‘mudra’ as it is known in Hinduism and Buddhism. A mudra is a spiritual gesture which offers an authentic and meaningful message to another. Mudras are knows in the East to stimulate positive endorphins and change mood. Beneath our masks it’s hard to even smile, never mind try and communicate compassion and respect and all of those harmonious qualities that we try as human beings to embody within ourselves and towards each other. Our facial expressions have always been a ‘dead giveaway’ in communicating how we perceive one another. When we look upon someone with fear or judgment, our eyes and our facial gestures will communicate that.
Fear contracts…Love expands.
So give this a try…
Raise your hands and blow a kiss to a family member (I’m sure most of us do that anyway!) … Use a ‘thumbs up’ gesture when you pass someone you know in the street… and even if you don’t know them, maybe a wave of the hand to a complete stranger will just be the tonic that they need in that given moment… a hand gesture that says “ I’m with you in all of this”.
Stay safe