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Covid – 19 'Ramp up the Volume’

photo of woman using headphones

Photo by Hudson Marques on

As the messages of alarm around the Covid -19 crisis come in fast and furious, loud and clear… the media volume is increasing daily… And our stress levels with it. Everyone deals with stress differently, as adults we employ ‘coping mechanisms’, to get us through the day, mechanisms gained over time and as a result of our personal life experiences…

But what about our children?

I often hear people saying “kids are resilient”; that’s such a grave misnomer. Children will pick up on our stress and our emotions, simply through the way we behave and react around them.

Think about this for a moment … Our children have been bombarded from as young as 5 or 6, with apocalyptic ‘end of the world’ scenarios over the relentless ‘climate emergency’ agenda that has been drilled into them in the classroom and through the media coverage.

Awareness is of paramount importance of course, as climate change directly affects their rights to a positive future, but look at the pictures already being held in the psyche of their vulnerable minds? Before Covid -19 appeared on the scene.

Kate said to me recently; “Children of all ages have been visualising this for 3 or 4 years now and fostering depressing feelings and images about the end of the world.” We know that fear itself has the power to create. She continues; “it’s as if on some level, their energy and fears have been hijacked to create this… Imagine, if a child going through puberty can attract or create a poltergeist, what on earth  could millions of children do with their thoughts…”

So what can we do?

Talking helps… If they seem distant or quiet, ask your children what’s on their minds and try to allay their fears. Reassuring them at bedtime is particularly vital.

When a child turns to a parent and says (and I heard this a couple of days ago); “I have asthma mommy, am I going to die if I get it?” we need to employ diversion tactics to engage their thoughts in a different way… limit their time on their tablets and computers and get them involved in creative play.

Recently we all saw heartwarming images of the morale boosting ‘communal singing’ across Italy and Spain as people isolated in their homes gathered on balconies to sing their hearts out with their neighbours. Get children singing, it’s a great form of expression, gives them their voice and allows them to release pent up energy. Sing with them, singing anything as long as it has a positive message… Then put in your ear plugs… and ramp up the volume!


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