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Star Cluster


- So you can choose the exact tile that matches your birthdate!

Your galactic signature is your password into fourth-dimensional time. The day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your galactic signature. Your galactic signature is one of the 260 Kin of The Tzolkin (shown at the end of this article in colour), The Mayan Sacred Calendar. Your galactic sign is your Conscious Self – the energy you were born with. It is your ‘Core essence’; who you are and who you are capable of becoming. When you step into your core potential and vibrate to the frequency of your Mayan sign, then
you radiate that out to everyone around you. Within your Galactic signature are your gifts and talents that you have been born with and can offer the world.

To find your galactic signature, follow the instructions below:


What year were you born? Find the bold number next to the year you were born on the Year Table. My Example is someone born on

13th June 1995: Year 1995 has bold number "147". Take the Year Number you found and add it to the bold number next to the month
you were born on the Month Table. In my example: June is "151". Now add the number of the day of the month that you were born. In my example: If you were born on June 13th, add 13.

Leap Days: If you were born on February 29 before noon local time, use February 28. If you were born after noon local time,
use March 1) The total you have is the kin number of your galactic signature! If the number you arrive at is greater than 260, subtract 260. In the example I gave, the number you are left with is 51 (147+151+13 = 311 – 260 = 51). Now, look at the Tzolkin (multi-coloured calendar image) at the end of this article and locate the kin number. The Tzolkin is organized by the Seals/signs into 20 rows.

Example: Kin 51 is the Blue Monkey Sign with Tone number 12 (the Crystal tone). The name of this signature therefore is "The Blue Crystal Monkey", or "12 Monkey."

If you need any help, you can always message me!

Year Table

Month Table

January -  0

February - 31

March - 59

April - 90

May - 120

June - 151

July - 181

August - 212

September  - 243

October - 13

November - 44

December - 74

Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 15.23.07.png

2117 2065 2013 1961 1909 217

2116 2064 2012 1960 1908 112

2115 2063 2011 1959 1907 7

2114 2062 2010 1958 1906 162

2113 2061 2009 1957 1905 57

2112 2060 2008 1956 1904 212

2111 2059 2007 1955 1903 107

2110 2058 2006 1954 1902 2

2109 2057 2005 1953 1901 157

2108 2056 2004 1952 1900 52

2107 2055 2003 1951 1899 207

2106 2054 2002 1950 1898 102

2105 2053 2001 1949 1897 257

2104 2052 2000 1948 1896 152

2103 2051 1999 1947 1895 47

2102 2050 1998 1946 1894 202

2101 2049 1997 1945 1893 97

2100 2048 1996 1944 1892 252

2099 2047 1995 1943 1891 147

2098 2046 1994 1942 1890 42

2097 2045 1993 1941 1889 197

2096 2044 1992 1940 1888 92

2095 2043 1991 1939 1887 247

2094 2042 1990 1938 1886 142

2093 2041 1989 1937 1885 37

2092 2040 1988 1936 1884 192

2091 2039 1987 1935 1883 87

2090 2038 1986 1934 1882 242

2089 2037 1985 1933 1881 137

2088 2036 1984 1932 1880 32

2087 2035 1983 1931 1879 187

2086 2034 1982 1930 1878 82

2085 2033 1981 1929 1877 237

2084 2032 1980 1928 1876 132

2083 2031 1979 1927 1875 27

2082 2030 1978 1926 1874 182

2081 2029 1977 1925 1873 77

2080 2028 1976 1924 1872 232

2079 2027 1975 1923 1871 127


2078 2026 1974 1922 1870 22

2077 2025 1973 1921 1869 177

2076 2024 1972 1920 1868 72

2075 2023 1971 1919 1867 227

2074 2022 1970 1918 1866 122

2073 2021 1969 1917 1865 17

2072 2020 1968 1916 1864 172

2071 2019 1967 1915 1863 67

2070 2018 1966 1914 1862 222

2069 2017 1965 1913 1861 117

2068 2016 1964 1912 1860 12

2067 2015 1963 1911 1859 167

2066 2014 1962 1910 1858 62

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